A Big Circus Show hosted by a great performer "Santos", who after intensive training in the circus school of Cuba and Wuqiao (China) together with two years of sharing the streets of Caracas with some of it's biggest artists, bring you an amazing act filled with breathtaking acrobatics in chairs, risk performances with chinese pots, and big skills necessary to tame a furious beast.
With the special combination of improvisation and the game, which turns the show into one unforgettable experience, "Santos Circus Show" is a perfect treat for your entire family.
* Dec 06 & 07 - Esplenade - Penang
* Dec 08 - Occupy Beach Street - Penang
* Dec 20 - 23 - Siam Street Art Festival - Bangkok
* Jan 15 to 22 - Sharjah Busker Festival - Sharjah
* March 11 - 23 - Circo Fest - San Juan